the story so far

True or False: God Never Gives You More Than You Can Handle

I won't believe you if you say you've never been told in a time of difficulty "well, don't worry. God never gives you more than you can handle." If you haven't had this said to you directly, you have heard it said to someone else. But is it really true? The way I see it there… Continue reading True or False: God Never Gives You More Than You Can Handle

mumbling of an imbecile

What is writing all about?

Why do we write? I imagine that some of us simply have a lot to say, and few people to say it all to. Some write to think and to process, to evaluate. Some write to spread information. Some write to give voice to opinion. Some write to create. Some write to revise, to edit,… Continue reading What is writing all about?

mumbling of an imbecile

a good word

if you only say one word, make it a good word, and if your only action is a smile, smile like you mean it.   A friend of mine wrote this in her last blog post, amidst a greater discussion. These words jumped off the page at me. These few words say a lot about… Continue reading a good word

mumbling of an imbecile


Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines truth as "the real facts about something." Although this is a good jumping off point, I think that the word itself requires a stronger set of parameters. I don't know that I could come up with adequate terminology at the moment, but I know that the way people think of truth today… Continue reading Truth?

the story so far


I find that I fall in love with my good friendships quite easily. Not with my good friends, I said friendships. I can only hope you know that feeling when an acquaintance you once found interesting has leveled up so to speak, and you find that you now consider them a friend. This is often… Continue reading Friendship

mumbling of an imbecile

in love

As I was meaninglessly trolling the internet today, I came across this gem: Reading it, I found I disagreed with more than I agreed with. "I hope you fall in love with someone who always texts back and never lets you fall asleep thinking you're unwanted." Yes, I'd like to fall in love with someone… Continue reading in love

mumbling of an imbecile


There's something to be said for smiles. In my opinion an involuntary smile is just about the greatest feeling in all the world. Thinking about it I truly can't think of a feeling I much prefer. Have you ever sat there and been staring off into space thinking of something, and either been told or… Continue reading Smiles

mumbling of an imbecile

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Yesterday I did something that surprised me a little. (I say little because it takes a bit to surprise me.) I was at the grocery store, up at the counter making my purchases, and the lady asked me a question. Without really thinking about it, I straight up lied! What? Okay, that's not really like me.… Continue reading Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

the story so far

23 lessons in 23 years

I feel like I am part of a generation many lessons are lost on. While I can't deny that on many occasions I've been an active participant in this sad situation, I feel that it is incumbent on me to find myself some solutions. So, here are 23 lessons I've learned, or tried to learn,… Continue reading 23 lessons in 23 years

yo ho a teacher's life for me

5 Stages of Grief

On a daily basis I go through all five stages of grief while dealing with my second graders. No joke, folks, it's a regular roller coaster, and it repeats itself every single day. 1. Denial: Nah, I don't have to go to school. It's not that important. I don't need this job. These kids would do… Continue reading 5 Stages of Grief