the story so far

I miss this place so much it makes me sick

Hello old friend, I know it doesn't seem like it, but I have missed you dearly. I have always been deplorable at keeping in touch, especially when push comes to shove. And push and shove have come, and left me quite far away from our post office, so writing has gone to shit. I should… Continue reading I miss this place so much it makes me sick

the story so far

Goodbyes are tough

Most things in life seem to come and go in waves. At some point we are meeting lots of new people. At some point we have friends nearby. At some point everyone realizes change is needed and moves a little closer to their goals, but a little farther from one another. At some point you… Continue reading Goodbyes are tough

newlyweds, pregnancy saga, the story so far

A Different Sort of Adventure Begins!

Friday was my last day as a public elementary school teacher. Thursday was my last day with students, and it was a real tear-jerker for the kids. Friday was clean-up-and-get-out day. Because the last week was so hectic and busy, nothing really had time to sink in for me until Friday when I said goodbye… Continue reading A Different Sort of Adventure Begins!


Oops, I did it again…

It has been over a month, once again, since I've been here. I have been plagued with what seemed at first to be allergies, but became a never ending cold, and eventually culminated in a sinus infection. I finally left work early to take myself to the doctor last Monday and got a ten day… Continue reading Oops, I did it again…

yo ho a teacher's life for me

Spring Break

As a teacher, spring break is a different beast than it was as a student. I can say I have truly never looked forward to breaks and vacations more ardently than as a teacher. This particular spring break was even more of a god-send than usual. I don't ever seem to stop talking about how… Continue reading Spring Break

pregnancy saga


I'm sitting on the couch feeling nauseous as ever. A few hours ago I was nauseous because I needed to eat something. Now I'm nauseous because I did eat something. I had leftover Alfredo pasta with broccoli and chicken from last night. The pasta sat well, the broccoli and chicken no so well. I took… Continue reading Bleh


The Discovery

In early January I made a discovery that is really going to change my life. Our lives. It's going to impact our jobs, our income, our debt repayment, our budget, our family dynamic, our health. It's going to make some parts of life a little difficult for a time as we adjust, but at the… Continue reading The Discovery

the story so far

Juggling Water

Some days I swear I'm just sitting here juggling water, if you can imagine that. I imagine that. I imagine all of it just washing over my hands while I wonder why I tried to juggle it in the first place. Stupid. Before getting married I was always afraid that I would be bad at… Continue reading Juggling Water


What do you do with your money?

This is actually a serious question. Are you a spender? A saver? A debt-repayer? Are you an investor? An entrepreneur? A philanthropist? Better question - what do you want to do with your money? Does money decide what you do with your life, where you travel, what you eat? Or do you decide all the… Continue reading What do you do with your money?