yo ho a teacher's life for me

Spring Break

As a teacher, spring break is a different beast than it was as a student. I can say I have truly never looked forward to breaks and vacations more ardently than as a teacher. This particular spring break was even more of a god-send than usual. I don't ever seem to stop talking about how… Continue reading Spring Break

pregnancy saga


I'm sitting on the couch feeling nauseous as ever. A few hours ago I was nauseous because I needed to eat something. Now I'm nauseous because I did eat something. I had leftover Alfredo pasta with broccoli and chicken from last night. The pasta sat well, the broccoli and chicken no so well. I took… Continue reading Bleh

the story so far

Holiday Plans

Tonight I've had three tabs open on my browser: Google Maps, StudentUniverse, and my bank account. This is a lethal combination. I have a holiday coming up at the end of February for a full week of winter break. While my current plans involve driving from New Hampshire to Key West with two or three friends,… Continue reading Holiday Plans