the story so far

November 27th

I have a new nephew. Finally. His name is Castiel Xavier Ransom Johanni, and he's perfect.  And suddenly and without much fanfare, thanksgiving break is up, and it is time to return to the real world of teaching and eating moderately and going to the gym and not smoking and not staying up til 4+… Continue reading November 27th

the story so far

November 26th

...okay I spoke too soon. My sister was on and off the laboring for over 36 hours and little Castiel still hasn't made an appearance. It seems things are getting going again, so here's hoping for a healthy middle of the night baby! I can't imagine being in labor that long.  Well, actually I can't… Continue reading November 26th

the story so far

November 21st

I'm a huge fan of photo posts lately, if you hadn't picked up on that. Partly it's because I am lazy. But it is also because I'm very visual, and I like to immortalized memories in pictures I can come back to later. So posting them may say less for you, but it certainly says… Continue reading November 21st

the story so far

The Barney Song

Do you know the Barney song? I love you, you love me, we're a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won't you say you love me too? I don't even know why I call it the Barney song in my head - I don't actually know if it's related… Continue reading The Barney Song

the story so far

Aunty of the Year

I'm aiming for the Aunty of the Year award for 2016. I already spoil the little goober past all recognition, but is that enough? His parents think not - they've asked me to do something I've never done. I've babysat for decades. I mean that. Since I was about five I've been babysitting younger siblings… Continue reading Aunty of the Year

the story so far

Left Field

Not all surprises are good surprises. Sometimes, a matter of days before Thanksgiving, you're told that your aunt has stomach cancer. It just comes up out of left field and then its there staring you in the face, and you're there staring it in the face, unable to react and not exactly sure what to… Continue reading Left Field

the story so far

Teething Menace

I sometimes joke with my sister that being around her kid has convinced me to have none of my own. About 50% of the time that joke is a joke, and the rest of the time it's not. My nephew is the cutest kid. He's a little sweetheart with a contagious laugh and a set… Continue reading Teething Menace

the story so far


I tend to stop blogging when the actual interesting things in my life happen. This week I'm not writing because two of my best friends in the whole world are visiting me and I want to spend all the time with them. But for a moment I'm making an exception. As I write, my sister is… Continue reading Surgery?!

the story so far


Many obsessions are bad I'm sure, but my newest obsession surely isn't. I mean, it can't be! I've had plenty of obsessions in the past (coffee, Orson Scott Card, Star Trek, traveling, ...) but none so pervasive perhaps as this. If you were to take even a glance at my Instagram or Facebook or even… Continue reading Obsession