the story so far

Once again

It seems that it's that time of year again. I've fought the last month or so of going stir crazy quite well, I think. No crazy hair cuts (yet), no running away, no bad poetry written. But it's that time of year for me.  It doesn't help much that I've spent the past week investigating… Continue reading Once again

the story so far

November 5th

I'm on Skype with my sister but she went to the bathroom. The smoke alarm in my apartment just went off because my roommate Christopher is trying to cook himself some hot dogs. We turned the air conditioner off this morning and have all the windows and doors open letting the not-quite-cool-but-at-least-not-hot-breeze in. I think… Continue reading November 5th

the story so far

Another Adventure is Nigh

Today is Thursday. I have the weekend to finish packing the rest of my belongings and be on my way by Tuesday. The end of one chapter of your life and the opening of the next is a volatile time. Transitions can bring out the best and the worst in people. Until the past week… Continue reading Another Adventure is Nigh

mumbling of an imbecile

The Unanticipated Life

I've often heard the saying "the best laid plans of mice and men, often go astray" but for the life of me I can't remember who said it right now. I am also so determined to remember it on my own that I refuse to google it. Some people prefer "if you want to make… Continue reading The Unanticipated Life