memory lane


A few years ago I had the pleasure of spending a few months of the summer in Ireland. It was two summers in a row actually, and truth be told it changed my perspective on life. I met some of the most enjoyable people I’ve ever encountered, from all parts of the world. I’ve never been made to feel so at home in a place as I was those two summers, and I still have friends I made there who I speak to on a daily basis and who beg me to visit them.

One day I will, I hope, though who knows when that will be. Part of me wants to just stay there forever, but that is just a fantasy tucked away in my head. Anyway, this post isn’t about that. The second summer I was there I recorded a song a friend of mine performed. The song isn’t Irish, nor is the friend, so maybe this is all unrelated, but as it’s been stuck in my head the whole day I can’t help but post the recording.

I only spent time with this girl for about three weeks, and truth be told I wasn’t that sure we’d really be friends or stay in touch, but we ended up being very close, and even though she lives half way across the country from me here in the States, we are always in touch. I cannot wait to attend her wedding this autumn as one of the last things I’ll do in the states before leaving for Ukraine.

Anywhat. Here’s the video, Ulysses by Josh Garrels, performed by Sarah Alexander:

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